ORA - Old Republic Aerospace
ORA stands for Old Republic Aerospace
Here you will find, what does ORA stand for in Aviation under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Old Republic Aerospace? Old Republic Aerospace can be abbreviated as ORA What does ORA stand for? ORA stands for Old Republic Aerospace. What does Old Republic Aerospace mean?The United States based company is located in Kennesaw, Georgia engaged in aviation & aerospace industry.
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Alternative definitions of ORA
- Offshore Risk Assessment
- Oscillator Rectifier And Amplifier
- Outdoor Resorts Of America
- Office of Regulatory Affairs
- Office of Research and Applications
- Operations Research Analyst
- Outer Rhabdomeres Absent
- Operational Requirements Analysis
View 66 other definitions of ORA on the main acronym page
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- OUI Oxford University Innovation
- OCTCT OCT – Clinical Trials
- OTCC Ozark Technical Community College
- OHS Origin Healthcare Solutions
- ODP Ohio Democratic Party
- OIP Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania
- OPI Optimal Phone Interpreters
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